Seems like everyone has a jar full of beach glass stashed away in a dresser drawer somewhere. I mean, can you really walk past it on the beach without picking it up and taking it home? You just know you've come across something special when you find that frosty colorful nature tumbled bit of former trash lying at the shore's edge.
When people discover I am incorporating seaglass and beach stones into my SToNZ jewelry designs they are often reminded of their own seaglass collection. A few of them decide they want to send it to me.

My friend Olivia sent me a huge bag of beautiful seaglass gems, and just this week I got a wonderful box in the mail from Claudia which included some particularly interesting textured bits from Lake Erie. (See top image) I had never seen any pieces like this before. If you have an idea what those honeycomb glass pieces might be from, I'd love to know.
I have received some great stones and fossils in the mail as well - thank you Jan in Philly, Marie in Alaska, and Jodie in Texas, to name a few. You guys ROCK.
Thank you all for sharing your collections with me. I am honored and inspired! And I have lots of jewelry to make, so back to work!
Those are very interesting - I'm not sure what they can be. I am addicted to searching for beach glass and have quite a collection. I love that garbage can be turned into a thing of beauty.
great photo! can't wait to see what you'll do with the glass.
Love the glass jar prop! Looking forward to seeing what beauties you make with them :-) x
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