
Mom's Wedding Dress

I still have my mom's wedding dress as well. (See earlier post below about Grandma's dress) I guess I have started a small collection. (Mine has been vacuum sealed in a silver package for the last 25+ years. The wine stains that the dry cleaner pretended they removed are probably nice and permanent by now.)
Mom & Dad tie the knot: April 14, 1957

Mom lived in New York and the dress came from Jay Thorpe on 57th Street. 
Jay Thorpe      Photo: Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc. 

It was also a tea length lacey dress. It's really tiny, as mom was just a tad over 5' tall and most likely weighed about 100 pounds at the time. I tried it on for fun when I was a thin teenager and could barely get the side zipper closed. Funny how those pointy shaped bodices were in style then.

I always think of mom a lot this time of year, since they were married in April and she passed away in April of 2006. She'd be so proud to know that her grandchildren are about to embark on job searches in her favorite city. I wish she was here to cheer them on.
Mom and Dad flanked by my New York grandparents.

Thinking of you, Mom. 
You were an adorable bride.

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